Christmas is a joyful and happy occasion and nobody – be they Christian or otherwise – would want to spoil it. First of all, what the purpose it is to hold a Christmas Party?
All we want are fun, joy, happiness and love. It is a good opportunity for a Company or everyone to show to their loves and appreciations for their contributions throughout the whole year. will be there if given an opportunity to serve you. We will do our utmost from getting a Lion Dance to providing video service, to make the occasion a grand and joyful occasion, one that will linger well in your heart.
Our motto is: To serve with a heart and clients’ satisfaction are our pride. Our record in holding such event are well known, be it a cultural event like a Chinese Wedding or Indian and Malay Wedding.
Christmas parties are where people open up champagne and also their heart so we can make this type of occasion as a charity event. We will get a good emcee and arrange for a photography session if the Host demands it.
Stage Deco
Equipment Rental
Video Service
Besides that, we could also spice up your Christmas event with performance by live band or choir and elevate the class with costume Christmas party. Either you want it to be either or both yet you still can count on us to make them both realities. We will ensure your Christmas events not only memorable and actually beyond your imagination but it will also be done according to the budget, space and numbers of people that you decide to invite.